Panel Discussion Held on the Finnish Documentary about Creativity, “Radical Creatives” – Art Weekend 2024

As part of the film program at Art Weekend Belgrade, supported by the EUNIC Serbia cluster, the film "Radical Creatives" directed by Emilia Hernesniemi and produced by Aalto University and Ari Production House from Finland was shown on Friday, June 7, at the Belgrade Cultural Center Hall. Following the screening, the Finnish Embassy organized a panel discussion on creativity. 
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As part of the film program at Art Weekend Belgrade, supported by the EUNIC Serbia cluster, the film "Radical Creatives" directed by Emilia Hernesniemi and produced by Aalto University and Ari Production House from Finland was shown on Friday, June 7, at the Belgrade Cultural Center Hall. Following the screening, the Finnish Embassy organized a panel discussion on creativity. 

As part of the film program at Art Weekend Belgrade, supported by the EUNIC Serbia cluster, the film “Radical Creatives” directed by Emilia Hernesniemi and produced by Aalto University and Ari Production House from Finland was shown on Friday, June 7, at the Belgrade Cultural Center Hall. Following the screening, the Finnish Embassy organized a panel discussion on creativity.  It was our pleasure to host guests from Finland, Emilia Hernesniemi, director of the film “Radical Creatives,” and Šaban Ramadanija, actor in the same film and audio-visual artist, who participated in the panel along with Žarko Aleksić, professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, and Lidija Ristić, an artist who also served as the panel moderator.

After a successful panel discussion on the role and importance of creativity, in which the audience actively participated, we concluded that creativity, combined with trust and respect for diversity, demonstrates innovative power in teams, organizations, and around the world.

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