Current EUNIC projects

Urban Oases

The Belgrade Urban Oases project takes place in 2024 and aims to rejuvenate three neglected urban spaces in the city of Belgrade, Serbia, by harnessing the power of art and community engagement. The initiative is focusing on redesigning the sites, introducing greening, leisure activities, and urban furniture, facilitated through workshops for user-centered design, public events and art interventions with the future users.

Art Weekend Belgrade

is a manifestation initiated by KC Grad with an aim of promoting and developing the local contemporary art scene, to present local artist’s works to the wider audience, as well as to enable meeting and collaboration with foreign curators.

European Day of Languages

The European Day of Languages (EDL) was first celebrated in 2001 during the European Year of Languages. At the end of this campaign the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers decided to make EDL an annual event, to be celebrated each 26 September. Every year, millions of people in the Council’s member states and elsewhere organise or take part in activities to promote linguistic diversity and the ability to speak other languages.

The general aim is to draw attention to Europe’s rich linguistic and cultural diversity, which has to be encouraged and maintained, but also to extend the range of languages that people learn throughout their lives in order to develop their plurilingual skills and reinforce intercultural understanding. EDL is an opportunity to celebrate all of Europe’s languages, including those that are less widely spoken and the languages of migrants`

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