Photo Exhibition “Different Worlds 2023”

Photon Gallery has announced a call for young and promising artists in the field of contemporary art photography. The works of the applicants have been curated into an exhibition titled “Different Worlds 2023”
Photon Gallery has announced a call for young and promising artists in the field of contemporary art photography. The works of the applicants have been curated into an exhibition titled “Different Worlds 2023”

Photon Gallery has announced a call for young and promising artists in the field of contemporary art photography. The works of the applicants have been curated into an exhibition titled “Different Worlds 2023”.

Photon supports photographers who demonstrate originality and innovation in their approach to form, as well as in the choice of themes and concepts. While the competition does not have a specific theme, the final selection often includes works that span a wide range of photographic practices and other related artistic expressions. Following the selection process, the works are presented in a group exhibition showcasing the latest trends in contemporary photography from Central Europe.

The 11th Photon International Competition group exhibition features the works of ten selected finalists, including five Hungarian artists: Bianka Csenki, Tamás Czeke, Laura Détár-Czirják, Franciska Légat, and Emma Szabó. The exhibition was first displayed in Ljubljana, at Photon Gallery and Kino Šiška, in September 2023. The annual competition is aimed at young photographers (up to 35 years old) from Central and Eastern Europe who are active in the field of contemporary authorial photography.

Address: Collegium Hungaricum Belgrade, Gracanicka 14., 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Opening: September 25, 2024, at 7:00 PM
The exhibition will be open until October 10.

We invite everyone interested to visit the exhibition. Admission is free.

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